Shedding Light Moments

17th May 2024.
(Prov. 30:1-9).
Many people who win big in lotteries, within in a few years squander it all away.
A thoughtful man by the name of Agur wrote words that anticipate such heartbreak. Brought low by the awareness of his own natural inclinations (vv2-3), Agur saw the dangers of having too much or too little. So he prayed, “Give me neither poverty nor riches but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonour the name of my God (vv.8-9).
Agur saw the special challenges that come both with wealth and poverty, but also with our own tendencies. Each gives us reason for caution. Together they show our need for the One who taught us to pray, ” Give us this our daily bread.” Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Discontentment makes rich people poor, while contentment makes poor people rich.”
…Pastor Ross.

15th May 2024.
In 1990 the Berlin Wall was demolished allowing citizens to cross freely from East to West Berlin.
The familiar Old Testament story of Joseph follows a favourite son whose brothers hated him. See (Gen.37-50). Yet Joseph refused to build a wall of hatred between himself and his brothers who sold him into slavery. When a famine brought them face to face after many years, Joseph treated his brothers with kindness, saying, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good…And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them”(vv.20-21) helping to restore the relationship between them.
Over thirty years ago, an oppressive man-made barrier was opened, offering freedom and reuniting families and friends. If we’ve built walls of anger and separation between ourselves and others, the Lord is willing and able to help us begin tearing them down today. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Anger builds walls; love breaks them down.”
…Pastor Ross.

13th May 2024.
Growing to 90 metres in height the giant sequoia tree can grow in just one metre of soil and can withstand high winds. Their strength lies in the fact that their roots intertwine with other sequoias, providing mutual strength and shared resources.
God’s plan for us is like that. Our ability to stand tall in spite of the buffeting winds of life is directly related to the love and support we receive from God and one another. And then, as the writer of Hebrews says, we are to “do good and to share”(v 16). Think of how tough it would be to withstand adversity if someone were not sharing the roots of their strength with us.
There is great power in the entwining gifts of words of encouragement, prayers of intercession, weeping together, holding each other, and at times just sitting with one another sharing the presence of our love. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Let the roots of God’s love in your life be entwined with others who need your support.”
…Pastor Ross.