Shedding Light Moments

10th June 2024.
(1Cor 10:1-13).
The apostle Paul saw the value of embracing the lessons of history. He warned of the destructive nature of bad choices by recounting the story of the children of Israel and their wilderness wanderings–a result of their refusal to trust God and enter the Promised Land. See Numbers 14. Then Paul told the believers in Corinth, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us on whom the fulfilment of the ages has come.” See 1Cor 10:11.
God has given us the Bible, partly to help us learn from the history of His people. Biblical lessons contain both examples and warnings to guard against our worst inclinations and to lead us into wiser living. The question is whether we will learn from the lessons of the past or repeat the mistakes of those of those who came before us. Reflect then on this SLM:-
“Valuable lessons are learned from examining the lives of God’s people who have gone before us.”
….Pastor Ross.