Shedding Light Moments

6th May 2024.
(Gen 12:1-10;13:1).
My GPS at times takes me on a mysterious detour.
That got me to thinking about the detours in life. We may seem to be travelling on a smooth pathway. Then, for some reason, God redirects us into an unfamiliar area. Perhaps it is an illness, some crises or an unexpected change occurs. We don’t understand what God is doing.
Abraham faced a mysterious detour when God told him, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s house” in Gen 12:1. Surely Abraham must have wondered why God was routing him to the Negev desert. But he trusted God and His good purposes.
A GPS may make mistakes, but we can trust our unfailing God. See Psalm 22:4. He will guide us through all our mysterious detours and lead us where He wants us to go. Reflect on this SLM:-
“We don’t need to see the way when we stay close to the One who does.”
…Pastor Ross.