Shedding Light Moments

27th May 2024.
(Phil. 4:10-20).
Unfortunately for many people, enough is never enough. They constantly call out for “more”.
The phrase “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” in verse 11 tells me that Paul did not meet every situation with a smile. Learning contentment required practice. His testimony included ups and downs, ranging from snake bites to soul saving, false accusations to founding churches. Yet he claimed that Jesus was the answer to soul level satisfaction. He said, “I can do all things through him who gives me strength” (v.13). Jesus had given him the spiritual muscle to endure lean times and to avoid the pitfalls of abundance.
If you find yourself angling for “more, more, more,” remember that contentment comes when you have “more” of Christ. Reflect on this SLM then:-
“True contentment is not dependent on anything in this world.”
….Pastor Ross.