Shedding Light Moments

3rd June 2024.
A religious leader once asked Jesus about greatness: “Which is the greatest commandment?” in verse 26. Jesus responded by challenging that leader to love–love God and others. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself” in verses 37-39.
Whatever else our faith in Christ compels us to do, there is nothing greater we can do than to show our love–for love reveals the heart of our heavenly Father. After all, “God is love” as 1John 4:8 says.
It’s easy to be sidetracked by lesser things, but our focus must remain on the greatest thing and that is loving our God. That in turn enables us to love one another. There’s nothing greater. So reflect on this SLM:-
“The proof of our love for God is our obedience to the commands of God.”
…Pastor Ross.