Movie Day Movie days are the 5th Thursday of the month only. Morning tea at 10:00am, then Movie at 10:30am.
Movie Day Movie days are the 5th Thursday of the month only. Morning tea at 10:00am, then Movie at 10:30am.
Movie Day Movie days are the 5th Thursday of the month only. Morning tea at 10:00am, then Movie at 10:30am.
Movie Day Movie days are the 5th Thursday of the month only. Morning tea at 10:00am, then Movie at 10:30am.
Movie Day Movie days are the 5th Thursday of the month only. Morning tea at 10:00am, then Movie at 10:30am.
Movie Day Movie days are the 5th Thursday of the month only. Morning tea at 10:00am, then Movie at 10:30am.