
Bruce Beechey is our Chairman.

He and his wife, Betty are real servants of the Lord; real assets to our team.
Bruce also occasionally leads our night Services; produces the fine quality of our Website video messages and is heavily involved in maintenance work for the Church property.

Betty is our competent sound operator as well as having a heavy involvement in catering.

Brian Munce is our Treasurer, Secretary, Website Manager & flautist.
He and his wife, Dawn are a real asset to the Assembly.
Dawn is a great encourager within the Assembly; and readily involves herself in Pastoral care.

Leon Piper is a Board Member. He is a widower with a great love for the Lord. He attends to many of the little things in the Assembly that often go unnoticed– a valuable contribution; and is a willing helper in maintenance projects.

Graham Berrigan is another great asset to our team, along with his wife, Carol.  They are involved in many aspects of our Church life; and are ardent prayer warriors.  Graham also brings his expertise to major maintenance works.

Ken Pavy is the latest member of our Diaconate.  Ken & his wife, Gloria are great encouragers with a deep love for the Lord.  They have real servants’ hearts and willingly involve themselves in all events of the Church; Gloria also exhibits a heart for pastoral care.  They are a real asset to our team.